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Unlike other private Middle and High Schools in Greensboro, N.C.

Noble Academy’s Upper School uses special accommodations,

small class sizes and a multisensory approach to learning to

meet the diverse needs of students from grades 6-12.


While all classes and grade levels are based on the N.C.

Standard Course of Study, the teaching staff at Noble

Academy ensures that the curriculum is equally accessible

to all students by customizing their method of instruction



Teachers create a safe, supportive learning environment

and use it to their advantage, as it helps students learn

better. Learn more about our Upper School Program: 

Graduation Requirements

Noble Academy leads the way when it comes to private high schools

in Greensboro, NC. Our high school includes grades 9-12 and is a

college preparatory program. Our high school graduates have attained

a 100% acceptance rate at either two-year, four-year, or community

colleges. High school classes follow the N.C. Standard Course of Study,

though teachers use accommodations and modifications where

appropriate to ensure that the curriculum is accessible to all of our

students. A tight knit teaching staff, small advisee groups, and small

class sizes add to the family atmosphere at Noble Academy. We use

this safe, supportive environment to our advantage, as it helps our

students learn better. Click here to view our graduation requirements.

Map Assessment

Noble Academy uses NWEA’s MAP Assessment to measure progress and help guide instructional decisions. See the links below for more information about MAP at Noble Academy.

Click here to watch an eight-minute video on the MAP Assessment at Noble Academy

Click here for the accompanying presentation (PDF)

Discover the Noble Academy Way®

To learn more about what makes our private Upper School in Greensboro, N.C., special and discover the Noble Academy Way®, we invite you to visit our school or contact a member of our Admissions team. You may reach our Admissions staff by phone: 336-282-7044 or contact us for more information.

Middle School

High School

Middle School (Grades 6-8)

Noble Academy’s Middle School Curriculum is divided into several integrated courses of study, including: reading, English, math, science, social studies and electives. Skill Building is also a pivotal part of academic life. 


Students are placed in the reading and English classes that best meets their instructional needs. Math is taught using hands-on activities whenever possible, and a multisensory approach is taken to both reading and English as well as math instruction. Science and social studies are taught daily and incorporate project based learning and elements of comprehension.


Exploring and encouraging independence is a goal for the Middle School students. Organization is still key. They continue to use a planner that remains in their binder and is signed off at the end of each class period by their teacher confirming homework is recorded. However, they also access and turn in assignments through our online learning management system.

Elective classes follow a rotation schedule that includes physical education, performance arts, leadership, art, environmental awareness, and IDEApath. Typically, a student performance is held at the end of the performance arts rotation.


Writing is taught using the N.C. Standard Course of Study. Students take the Noble Academy writing test, which is similar in nature to the N.C. writing test. As needed, students utilize assistive technology while composing and editing. 


Students may be placed into one of two types of reading classes, depending on their instructional needs. Small group Wilson® classes teach students who need extra support in decoding and encoding. Direct instruction classes support students who need a lot of instruction in reading strategies. Direct instruction classes may contain some instruction in phonics and spelling while also incorporating novels and short stories to improve reading comprehension. Vocabulary is also stressed in these classes. Literature classes are for students who do not need instruction in language structure but still benefit from being taught reading and spelling strategies. Novels are frequently the method of delivery in literature classes.



Math is taught using a multisensory approach. Hands-on activities are used whenever possible. Students have several math courses available to them in Middle School depending on their instructional needs. Students who are not yet ready for Algebra concepts take a modified math class that addresses their weaknesses while preparing them for future math classes. Students can also be placed in a more advanced math class or Algebra I, depending on the students' readiness.



Students take a full year of science, which rotates among the curriculum for the three grades. Hands-on activities, experiments, and projects are used frequently in all science classes.


Social Studies

Students may be combined for the social studies curriculum. Emphasis includes learning the historical events and people that influenced the shaping of our world and how these things affect our lives today. New concepts, culture, geography, government, and economics are also strong pieces of social studies. This subject teaches essential skills for every students’ future in academics and as a citizen of the world.


Skill Building

Skill Building is our robust advisory program that is specifically designed to directly develop academic, social/emotional, interpersonal, and executive functioning skills that need strengthening. Skill Building content is directed towards strategies and skills that will help the student at their particular grade. Academic remediation, organization, community building, time management, and self-advocacy are all incorporated into our Skill Building program.


Students follow a rotation schedule that includes physical education, performance arts, leadership, art, IDEApath, and environmental awareness. Students in physical education classes are introduced to fitness and team sports. Performance art explores the world of theatre through student productions, attendance at professional productions, and critiques of peer productions. Performances are held at the end of the performance art rotation. The leadership rotation focuses on developing various skills that would be present in a leader such as time management, presentation and self-adocacy skills. Art classes provide students with an understanding of the elements of art and the principles of design through a variety of media. Art exhibits are on display throughout the school year. IDEApath teaches students how to think outside of the box, build or create, and to work together on a group project. The environmental awareness class delves into our garden, doing nature walks, exploring habits etc.


There is a full-time guidance counselor for the Lower School and Middle School at Noble Academy. The counselor is available for one-on-one or small group counseling sessions. Please see the “Guidance” tab under the “Academics” menu for more information on our guidance program.


Technology is integrated across many aspects of the Middle School curriculum to develop students’ word processing and presentation skills, to develop proficiency in accommodation tool usage. Specific technological apps are also used to help students with specific learning differences. Noble Academy Middle School students are required to have a Google Chromebook for use at school and for homework.



Students in Middle School are eligible to participate in the five Middle School sports teams:  cross country, soccer, flag football, volleyball, and basketball. Teams are open to athletes of any skill level and do not involve try-outs. Teams play against five other local private schools, and each sport includes a championship tournament.

Junior High
High School (Grades 9-12)

Noble Academy’s High School College Prep program prepares students for a range of post-secondary education options by offering both standard high school courses in English, math, science, history, physical education, and foreign language (Spanish), but also a mini-period called Seminar and a variety of electives and extracurricular activities.


Seminar allows students to develop relationships with an advisor and small group of peers while learning strategies to improve their executive functioning skills such as organization, time management, and study skills.

Electives can vary each year based on student interest, but always include options to develop students’ strengths in the arts and technology. Exercise and movement are available during a daily recess period as well as in physical education. Varsity athletics opportunities are open to every student in grades 9-12. In order to promote leadership and foster student engagement, Noble Academy also offers Student Council, National Honor Society, student-led clubs, and opportunities to participate in service projects.


English classes are based on the NC Standard Course of Study and include remediation when appropriate. High school students are required to complete all four English classes to meet graduation requirements. English 12 focuses on the study of British Literature and an intensive, college-preparatory writing program. English 11 focuses on the study of American Literature and an intensive writing program. English 10 is a journey through world literature, which includes authors from cultures and countries all over the world. English 9 focuses on the study of various literary genres, including the short story, drama, poetry, biography, autobiography, and personal essay.



In order to meet graduation requirements, high school students must take four units of math, with at least one unit of Algebra. Students progress through the math courses beginning with Algebra I (which is often taken in eighth grade), Geometry, and then Algebra II. Students meeting the College-Prep diploma are required to take one math class beyond Algebra II. Offerings at Noble Academy include Advanced Functions and Modeling (AFM), Discrete Math, and Pre-Calculus. Students meeting the General Diploma requirements may need to take Foundations of Algebra prior to Algebra I. Consumer Math is also offered to students who will benefit from this course.



High school students need to fulfill at least three science credits in order to graduate. At Noble Academy we offer earth/environmental science (typically a 9th grade class), biology (typically a 10th grade class), physical science, and chemistry as science classes that meet graduation requirements. We also offer anatomy, marine biology, or chemistry of cooking on years with enough student interest for students who wish to take a fourth science.



High school students need to fulfill three social studies credits at Noble Academy. We offer World History, US History and Civics and Economics. Dependent on student interest, geography and/or psychology may be offered as possible high school electives.


Physical Education and Health

High school students must complete one health/physical education credit in high school. PE/Health is typically taken in ninth grade, but is offered to older students who may not have already completed this credit. PE/Health helps students develop proactive health behaviors through exercise and healthful living. For students who have already completed this requirement, we offer Advanced PE classes. Advanced PE includes instruction in gym safety, basic muscular anatomy, weight-training principles, exercise routine design, participation and teamwork. The class goal is for students to have a greater respect for their physical well-being and to teach them the value of a sound and smart exercise program. All of our PE classes take place at the Spears YMCA.


Foreign Language

Students need two credits of the same foreign language in order to be considered for acceptance into a 4-year college. At Noble Academy, we offer Spanish as our foreign language option. Students begin in Spanish I and continue through Spanish II. Spanish III is offered in years where there is enough student interest. Accredited online foreign language programs may be considered for students who wish to take a language other than Spanish. Students earning a general diploma need one year of a foreign language or an administrative waiver.



The electives offered in the high school college-preparatory program at Noble Academy vary from year to year, depending on enrollment, student demand, and teacher availability. Some examples of electives that may be offered are Advanced PE (see above), Ceramics and Sculpture, Studio Art, photography, (see link under “arts”), drama, film appreciation, coding, IDEApath, psychology, and leadership. 



Students in grades 9-12 are invited to participate in varsity cross country, varsity girls volleyball, varsity soccer, varsity boys basketball, varsity cheerleading, varsity chess, varsity golf, and varsity flag football. Try-outs may be required for sports with a high turnout of athletes. We offer our students a sense of friendly competition with students from various other private schools. The object is to give our students a chance to enjoy athletic participation in the afternoons following school and to help them learn what it means to be part of a team, while encouraging hard work and competition.


Other Areas of Focus and Enrichment


  • Skill Building/Seminar is our robust advisory program that is specially designed to directly develop academic, social/emotional, interpersonal, and executive functioning skills that need strengthening. Skill Building/Seminar content is directed towards strategies and skills that will help the student at their particular grade. Academic remediation, organization, community building, time management, self-advocacy, and postsecondary planning are all incorporated into our Skill Building program.

  • Advisor/Advisee: All students are placed into an advisee group for the year. Students are arranged into advisee groups by grade. In most cases, the advisor teaches his/her advisees in at least one other class. Students report to their advisor for the first 15 minutes before school starts to ensure readiness for the day. Students also return to their advisor at the end of the day for checkpoint. Since advisors see their students so many times during the day, they get to know them very well and can often identify and address global emotional and organizational needs. Advisors usually act as advocates for their advisees and are also often the teacher who is in closest contact with the family.

  • Executive Functions: Since students with ADHD and other learning differences often struggle with aspects of executive functioning, we have many strategies built into our program that reduce the executive functioning load or help develop those skills. Our specially designed notebook strategy is enforced across the board, as all teachers make sure that handouts are hole-punched, and they leave time at the end of class for students to file their papers before leaving class. At the end of the day, all students attend checkpoint, a seven minute period, with their advisor. The advisor’s job at checkpoint is to make sure that students review all posted homework assignments and that they have all the materials packed that they need to get their homework done. Once a week during Skill Building, advisors assist students in cleaning out their notebooks and lockers, tracking their grades, and turning in missing work. 

  • Academic Profile: Each student at Noble Academy has an Academic Profile that includes a list of accommodations and modifications, along with the student’s most recent MAP scores. The Noble Academy Way, along with specific focus areas that pertain to that student's Steps to Academic Success, are reviewed within the Parent/Teacher/Student conferences that are held twice per school year. In addition, all involved address the student's Academic Profile, receive updated MAP scores, and discuss the student’s progress in each class.

  • Technology Integration: Technology is integrated across many aspects of the high school program to develop students’ word processing, presentation and spreadsheet skills. Specific assistive technology programs are also used to help students with specific learning differences. Use of audiobooks, read-aloud within curricular materials, and Read&Write for Google Chrome are all built into instruction. High school students are required to have a laptop or Google Chromebook for use at school and for homework.

Grad Requirements
High School
Graduation Requirements

Entrance requirements for North Carolina's 36 independent colleges and universities vary among institutions. Students who wish to attend a private college should aim to meet the requirements for a College Prep Diploma in order to improve their chances of admission.


Noble Academy is a grades 2-12, private school in Greensboro, NC for students diagnosed with learning disabilities such as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, CAPD  (Central Auditory Processing Disorder) and more.


Phone: 336.282.7044

Fax: 336.282.2048

3310 Horse Pen Creek Rd

Greensboro NC, 27410 

School Hours:

Lower School - 8:10 am to 3:15 pm

Middle School - 8:15 am to 3:10 pm

High School - 8:20 am to 3:10 pm

Wednesday Dismissal - 1:45 pm

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